Measuring Success
Read moreHow do you measure success? Is it by the amount of money you make? Is it based on achieving a set goal or deliverable? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, success is defined as: a. the degree or measure of succeeding b. favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment...
My Reflections Post Project Winter Warm Up!
Read moreAs promised, here are a few thoughts regarding my experience with Project Winter Warm Up last weekend in Atlanta. I began writing while on the flight back home, and didn’t want to rush through and post it last night as I was still quite emotional. So, as I sit...
Project Winter Warm Up!
Read moreHowdy folks! Several weeks ago I had a dream… to keep it short, in this dream, I was able to expand upon my 100 cheeseburger adventure from last June… If you were there you know how awesome that was! In an incredible display of synchronicity, I’ll be returning to...
Read moreAs we quickly approach the day of turkey, dressing, desserts and companionship, I’m reminded by the constant media barrage that Thanksgiving has become synonymous with sales, marketing, and blatant commercialism. When you think of Thanksgiving, what comes to your mind? Are you thankful for all of the blessings that have...
EVP: An Alternative Explanatory Theory
Read moreI am going to stray a bit from my typical “practical information” blog posts, and instead, delve into two of my favorite topics: EVP and theoretical physics. Electronic Voice Phenomena – EVP. With the 2005 release of the movie entitled ‘White Noise’ starring Michael Keaton, the general public has increasingly...
YOU Are In Control!
Read moreI had an interesting epiphany while taking my daughter to school this morning. The traffic was insane, the line into her school was long, and everything seemed to be moving at a snail’s pace. My first emotion was obviously frustration and anger. My stress level was through the roof...
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