



  • Paranormal Drama?! Just say NO!

    If I hear about one more instance of DRAMA or STRIFE in the paranormal community I think I am going to scream! How many of you have either a) been directly involved with or b) been cognizant of some type of dramatic event? I would venture to speculate that...

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  • Has Time Sped Up?

    For the last few years I’ve noticed something interesting in my own life. I truly believe that this phenomenon is something that I’ve been inately aware of, but, for whatever reason have chosen to ignore it. Life seems to have sped up. Yes, you read that right. Sounds crazy,...

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  • Paranormal Competition? WTF?

    Recently, on a national radio interview, the host asked me “How do you feel about the competition in the paranormal field?” Initially, I really wasn’t sure how to answer his inquiry. My first inclination was to ask “what competition?” To our knowledge, there is no other group with the...

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  • Why Do I Do What I Do?

    “Why do I do what I do?” On a recent radio show interview, the host asked me that question (as well as another interesting one which I will cover in a future column). What an excellent, thought-provoking question! Why do I continue to expend significant amounts of time, energy,...

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  • Aquarius Magazine Interview

    Check out this awesome interview of me that Michelle Griffin did for Aquarius Magazine. Click here!  

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  • Pseudoscience

    Pseudoscience. We have all heard the term bandied about – especially from such noted luminaries as James Randi and the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSICOP). What does it mean? Is paranormal investigation considered a pseudoscience? According to that great bastion of information called Wikipedia, pseudoscience is defined as “any...

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