
Hey there, adventurers and knowledge seekers! Welcome to the world of Larry Flaxman – best-selling author, screenwriter, paranormal investigator, and all-around cool guy

Are you searching for answers, captivated by science, or drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural? Whether you’re curious about the hidden powers of the mind, intrigued by fringe science, or looking for insights into corporate success and wealth-building, Larry’s got you covered. If it’s unique, strange, or just plain mind-bending, chances are Larry’s explored it, written about it, or spoken on it.

Take a journey through this digital space and dive into Larry’s latest bestselling books, upcoming talks, and groundbreaking research.

Curious to know more about the man behind the mysteries? Dive into his biography — it’s a behind-the-scenes look into the life of a true explorer of the unknown. So, get ready, dive in, and let’s explore the strange, the fascinating, and everything in between!

Lastest Post

  • Energy Never Dies: Why Emerging Science Says Death Is an Illusion

    The question of what happens after death has captivated human thought for millennia. While religions and philosophies have long offered answers, emerging science and established physical laws, like the laws of thermodynamics, are beginning to weave a new narrative:...

  • Theories Behind the Paranormal: What’s Really Going On?

    Paranormal experiences are a strange blend of fascination and frustration. Ghostly whispers, shadowy figures, and objects moving without explanation leave us asking one simple question: What’s really going on here? Is it all in our heads, or is there...

Upcoming Events

all-day Enchanted! Metaphysics & Mystics... @ Conway Expo and Event Center
Enchanted! Metaphysics & Mystics... @ Conway Expo and Event Center
Mar 28 – Mar 30 all-day
Enchanted! Metaphysics & Mystics Market - Conway, AR @ Conway Expo and Event Center
Come out and join me at Enchanted! Metaphysics & Mystics Market in Conway, AR. Always a pleasure to have the opportunity to present and share my passion close to home.



“Science is simply common sense at its best.” – Thomas Huxley