Bigfoot – The Myth That Has Lasted Too Long…

Bigfoot – The Myth That Has Lasted Too Long…

On August 27, 1958, a bulldozer operator for a Northern California forestry company made an unexpected discovery. Jerry Crew discovered massive, human-like footprints in the mud while clearing brush and stumps along Bluff Creek, about 300 miles north of San Francisco. He informed his coworkers, who were as surprised as he was. Their sighting was reported in the local newspaper, the Humboldt Times. According to the Oct. 5, 1958 article, residents along the Trinity River are perplexed by large footprints, which also include the first documented use of the moniker “Bigfoot.” ” “We had reporters from all the wire agencies banging on our doors on Monday, Tuesday, and for the next few days,” Humboldt Times writer Andrew Genzoli said.

Is there any proof that the story is true? No, unfortunately. Crew’s colleague Ray Wallace died in 2002 at the age of 84, and his children revealed a long-kept secret: Wallace made the imprints by stomping in the mud with carved wooden feet. “It was all in good fun,” they explained. Bigfoot fans largely ignored Wallace’s deception. “Interest in the creature’s existence is at an all-time high right now,” said paleontologist Darren Naish. Thousands of believers are expected to gather in Ohio in May for one of the largest-ever Bigfoot conferences, when “speakers from around the Bigfoot community… share their experiences and knowledge in the topic of Sasquatch,” according to organizers.

People all over the world have reported seeing a tall, half-man, half-ape monster. The creature was named “Sesquac” by indigenous tribes in British Columbia, which translates to “wild man,” and it was later anglicized to Sasquatch. According to Chinese legend, a “Yeren” lives in the western Hubei highlands. A “Yowie” stalks the Outback, according to legend. Alexander the Great demanded a Himalayan yeti from the conquered people when he attacked the Indus Valley in 326 B.C. This legendary beast, whatever name it is given, is usually described as a bipedal hominid with a shaggy coat of hair covering its 8-to-12-foot-tall body (although sightings of “juveniles” also occur). The monster could weigh up to 800 pounds and leave footprints twice the size of an adult. Bigfoot believers consider the creature to be a “missing link” between man and his evolutionary forefathers.

The legend of Bigfoot appears to be fertile ground for rogues and raconteurs. Albert Ostman, a prospector, came forward in 1957 with a story about being abducted by a Sasquatch in 1924 and forced to live with its family for six days before escaping. In 2008, two Georgia men claimed to have discovered a Bigfoot corpse in their home highlands, but it was later revealed that they had bought a Bigfoot costume and filled it with roadkill and animal intestines, causing a worldwide media frenzy. In contrast, the most well-known alleged forgery occurred only nine years after Wallace’s 1958 hoax. In 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin shot a 59-second video of an ape-like creature roaming around the same Bluff Creek where the first encounter occurred. This would go on to become one of the most well-known Bigfoot hoaxes of all time.

Years later, costume designer Philip Morris claimed to have sold Patterson the gorilla suit seen in the film and presented him with a large man who claimed to have tromped around in it for the camera.

According to the American Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), over 5,000 sightings have been reported from every state except Hawaii, with the Pacific Northwest accounting for nearly one-third of all sightings. Hikers in Provo, Utah, saw a large black figure slowly descending a slope in January. “Seriously, look how huge that is!” says hiker Austin Craig in a YouTube video. Whether genuine or not, the country’s obsession with the monster cannot be denied. The previous two years saw the release of two children’s films, The Son of Bigfoot and Smallfoot. Finding Bigfoot, a show that aired on Animal Planet for 11 seasons but never lived up to its name, has recently concluded.

So… does Bigfoot exist? Is there any credible evidence to support the idea that these enormous creatures exist? No, once more. According to scientists, Bigfoot does not exist. “Nothing, absolutely nothing,” said Mark Wilson, a natural sciences professor who investigated the sightings. There are no bodies, bones, hair, skin, or DNA. A study published in 2009 proposed a theory about what eyewitnesses notice. The American black bear’s habitat was discovered to be similar to that of Bigfoot sightings. According to the authors, standing on two legs, black bears can appear dangerously tall and human-like. Others argue that a species with a large enough population to breed may evade all attempts to locate it. According to anthropologist Phillips Stevens Jr., “it defies all logic.” However, the story continues. Indigenous tribes from all over the world have reported seeing Bigfoot-like creatures, according to researcher Jane Goodall. “I’m certain they exist,” said Goodall. “Perhaps I’m a sucker. I’m not interested in being persuaded otherwise.”

So, with no scientific evidence and so many alleged encounters, why do people continue to believe in them? Searching for Bigfoot, according to nature writer Robert Michael Pyle, who investigated them, is a great way to spend time in remote, wild places. He wrote, “These guys want to be Bigfoot!” Others see Bigfoot as a symbol of modern-day freedom, a simple creature free of civilization’s constraints and restraints. David Rains Wallace, a naturalist who has researched the Bigfoot legend, finds it comforting to believe that another hominid evolved without “the brutality, selfishness, vanity, and other “childishness” that he has observed in humans.” Homo sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sapiens sap According to folklore expert Lynne McNeill, Bigfoot satisfies a fundamental human desire for the mysterious and extraordinary while also demonstrating that humans do not have complete control over nature. “If Bigfoot is genuine, the world will be a better place,” McNeill continues. “It demonstrates that we are doing something right by preserving natural areas.” If a species can hide and go unnoticed, it suggests that we are not completely destroying the planet on which we live.”

What are your thoughts? Is Bigfoot a real creature? Or is it just a “tall” story?

Larry Flaxman is a renowned best-selling author and trailblazing researcher who delves deep into the mysteries of the paranormal and fringe science. With ten acclaimed books, including 11:11 – The Time Prompt Phenomenon, The Afterlife Book: Heaven, Hell, and Life After Death, and The Grid: Exploring the Hidden Infrastructure of Reality, Larry captivates readers with his groundbreaking insights and leaves them eager for more. For nearly 30 years, Larry has explored the supernatural, seamlessly merging it with cutting-edge science. One of his most revolutionary projects involves the intersection of quantum physics and human consciousness, using real-time EEG scans to push the boundaries of reality. As the founder of ARPAST, one of the top paranormal research organizations in the U.S., Larry is dedicated to challenging conventional science and investigating the unknown. Larry Flaxman’s expertise has made him a familiar face on popular TV shows like Ancient Aliens, Portals to Hell, Ghost Lab, and Haunted Hotels. He has shared his insights on radio programs like Coast to Coast AM and The Jeff Rense Show, and his work has been featured in magazines such as TAPS ParaMagazine and New Dawn Magazine. His deep knowledge and dynamic presence have made him one of the most sought-after voices in the paranormal community. Beyond his passion for the paranormal, Larry is also the founder of The Bridge of Compassion Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity focused on helping the homeless and those in need. The foundation provides essential support with compassion, dignity, and respect, improving the quality of life for society’s most vulnerable. Through his research and charitable efforts, Larry Flaxman continues to make a lasting impact both in the paranormal field and beyond.