

Pseudoscience. We have all heard the term bandied about – especially from such noted luminaries as James Randi and the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSICOP). What does it mean? Is paranormal investigation considered a pseudoscience?

According to that great bastion of information called Wikipedia, pseudoscience is defined as “any body of knowledge, methodology, belief, or practice that claims to be scientific or is made to appear scientific, but does not adhere to the basic requirements of the scientific method.”

Ahhh…”scientific method.” Another term which keeps rearing its head. If you have read some of my previous writings, then you are wholly familiar with scientific method and its application to paranormal research. Again, from our friends at Wikipedia: “Scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. It is based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. The scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.”

So, we now have a basic understanding of what pseudoscience is – as well as how the principles of scientific method are considered an integral component. Let’s examine a completely fictitious, but very realistic example of pseudoscience within the framework of paranormal research. Group “X” promotes itself as a team of legitimate scientific researchers. It even says so on their website – and everything you read on the web is true, right? On this evening, the illustrious team is conducting a paranormal investigation at an allegedly “haunted” location. The team is determined and settles in for the long night ahead. One of the team members is the group psychic – a kindly, middle-aged lady who has participated in several prior vigils. Two hours into the investigation the psychic begins receiving “visions” of a young child who was supposedly murdered in the location. She elaborates and the team focuses its attention on her descriptive narrative. The psychic’s revelations are diligently logged as evidence of paranormal activity. Soon enough, dawn breaks and the investigation concludes. With the exception of several dust orbs caught on camera, no hard data or evidence is collected.

Remember that the scientific method is based upon gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. The utilization of the psychic as the team’s primary investigative tool, even if it were completely accurate, does not fit within the constraints of observable, empirical, or measurable evidence. Since the psychic’s impressions cannot be observed by a third party, nor can these impressions be measured, they do not fall within the parameters of the scientific method and are, thus, not considered scientifically valid data. If Group “X” chooses to utilize the psychic’s impressions as evidence of the paranormal, then Group “X” has now practiced pseudoscience.

As we explored previously, paranormal research (or “ghost hunting”) is currently the fad hobby. Throughout the country, groups have literally sprung up overnight due to the popularity of such television shows as “Ghost Hunters,” “Dead Famous,” and “Celebrity Paranormal Project.” These newly minted groups often attempt to emulate their TV counterparts – minus any corresponding knowledge, training, or organizational structure.

Without a firm understanding of scientific methodology, these groups have unintentionally transitioned from well-intentioned “scientific” researchers into fringe areas of pseudoscience. Recall the definition of pseudoscience and the correlation becomes clear.

Research under the guise of science – without following established scientific principles – is not truly science. Therefore, by definition, it is pseudoscience.

Utilization of subjective means, including psychics, ouija boards, séances, and divination, cannot be observed or measured. Consequently, these areas of paranormal study fall into the pseudoscience category.

So, where does that leave us – the dedicated paranormal investigators? Is paranormal investigation pseudoscience? Collectively, are we wasting our time searching for answers outside of legitimate scientific means?

The answer to this question lies in the outlined goals within each group. As we are all aware, not every group has the same beliefs, goals, and perspectives on paranormal research. Some individuals may want nothing more than validation of their own individual beliefs, for their own personal reasons. They are not out to “prove to the world” that ghosts exist. If it is some internal conflict that drives their need to seek out answers in whatever format that provides them peace, who are we to criticize?

However, if a group truly wishes with sincere intent to follow a “scientific” framework for purposes of uncovering undeniable “evidence” of the paranormal, then a critical, honest review of their procedures is in order as the only “evidence” which will be accepted by the world-at-large must come from within a rigid scientific context. This is how “proof” operates. Evidence gathered using any other approach will be discarded as pseudoscientific. With a growing number of examples that could be pointed out (we’ll mention no names), groups which propagate pseudoscience, especially those which are visible to the public via self-aggrandizing media promotion, actually serve to further separate us from the mainstream, traditional scientific community.

Larry Flaxman is a renowned best-selling author and trailblazing researcher who delves deep into the mysteries of the paranormal and fringe science. With ten acclaimed books, including 11:11 – The Time Prompt Phenomenon, The Afterlife Book: Heaven, Hell, and Life After Death, and The Grid: Exploring the Hidden Infrastructure of Reality, Larry captivates readers with his groundbreaking insights and leaves them eager for more. For nearly 30 years, Larry has explored the supernatural, seamlessly merging it with cutting-edge science. One of his most revolutionary projects involves the intersection of quantum physics and human consciousness, using real-time EEG scans to push the boundaries of reality. As the founder of ARPAST, one of the top paranormal research organizations in the U.S., Larry is dedicated to challenging conventional science and investigating the unknown. Larry Flaxman’s expertise has made him a familiar face on popular TV shows like Ancient Aliens, Portals to Hell, Ghost Lab, and Haunted Hotels. He has shared his insights on radio programs like Coast to Coast AM and The Jeff Rense Show, and his work has been featured in magazines such as TAPS ParaMagazine and New Dawn Magazine. His deep knowledge and dynamic presence have made him one of the most sought-after voices in the paranormal community. Beyond his passion for the paranormal, Larry is also the founder of The Bridge of Compassion Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity focused on helping the homeless and those in need. The foundation provides essential support with compassion, dignity, and respect, improving the quality of life for society’s most vulnerable. Through his research and charitable efforts, Larry Flaxman continues to make a lasting impact both in the paranormal field and beyond.