Scientific Evidence for Life After Death

Scientific Evidence for Life After Death

Many people wonder what happens to us when we die. Is there a continuation of our consciousness or soul after our physical body ceases to function? Is there an afterlife where we can reunite with our loved ones and experience peace and joy? Or is death the end of everything we know and feel?

Science and religion have different perspectives on this topic. While most religions affirm the existence of some form of life after death, science has been more skeptical and cautious about making such claims. However, in recent years, some scientific studies have attempted to explore the possibility of life after death through various methods and experiments. In this blog post, we will review some of the most interesting and controversial scientific evidence for life after death.

Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)

One of the most common sources of evidence for life after death is the phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs). These are subjective experiences that some people report having when they are close to death or resuscitated from clinical death. NDEs typically involve a sense of leaving one’s body, seeing a bright light or a tunnel, encountering deceased relatives or spiritual beings, feeling peace and love, reviewing one’s life, and sometimes having a choice to return to life or not.

NDEs have been reported by people from different cultures, religions, and backgrounds, and they often have a profound impact on their lives. Some researchers have suggested that NDEs provide evidence for the survival of consciousness after death, as they imply that the mind can function independently of the brain and the body¹. However, other researchers have argued that NDEs are not proof of life after death, but rather the result of physiological and psychological processes that occur in the brain during a state of crisis⁴. For example, some NDEs could be explained by the effects of oxygen deprivation, drugs, hallucinations, or memory distortions.


Another source of evidence for life after death is mediumship, which is the practice of communicating with spirits of the deceased through a person who claims to have psychic abilities. Mediums claim to receive messages from the other side that contain information that only the deceased person or their relatives would know. Some mediums also claim to channel the personality and voice of the deceased person through their own body.

Mediumship has been a subject of scientific investigation since the late 19th century, when researchers from the Society for Psychical Research tried to test the validity and accuracy of mediums’ claims. However, many of these studies were criticized for being poorly designed, biased, or fraudulent. More recently, some researchers have conducted more rigorous experiments with mediums, using methods such as double-blind protocols, statistical analysis, and brain imaging³. Some of these experiments have reported positive results that suggest that mediums can provide verifiable information that cannot be explained by chance or normal means³. However, other experiments have failed to replicate these results or have found flaws in their methodology². Therefore, mediumship remains a controversial and inconclusive source of evidence for life after death.

Resuscitation Science

A third source of evidence for life after death is resuscitation science, which is the study of how to revive people who have suffered cardiac arrest or other causes of clinical death. Resuscitation science has made significant advances in recent decades, allowing doctors to save more lives and extend the window of opportunity for resuscitation. However, resuscitation science has also challenged some assumptions about the finality of death and the nature of consciousness.

One of the most intriguing findings of resuscitation science is that some people who are clinically dead can still have measurable brain activity and awareness¹. For example, some people who have been resuscitated have reported accurate details of what was happening around them during their cardiac arrest, such as conversations between doctors or events in other rooms¹. This suggests that consciousness can persist beyond the cessation of heartbeat and breathing, and even beyond the loss of detectable brain function. Some researchers have proposed that this phenomenon could be explained by quantum physics or non-local consciousness theories¹, while others have dismissed it as anecdotal or unreliable evidence.


The question of whether there is life after death is one of the most fascinating and important questions that humans have ever asked. Science has tried to answer this question with various methods and experiments, but so far it has not reached a definitive conclusion. There is some evidence that suggests that consciousness may survive death in some form or another, but there is also a lot of skepticism


(1) Is There Life After Death? | The New York Academy of Sciences – nyas.
(2) Life after death: Scientist says experiences ‘incredibly real’ as ….
(3) The Afterlife Experiments – Wikipedia.
(4) 12 Fascinating Scientific Facts About Life After Death.

Larry Flaxman is a renowned best-selling author and trailblazing researcher who delves deep into the mysteries of the paranormal and fringe science. With ten acclaimed books, including 11:11 – The Time Prompt Phenomenon, The Afterlife Book: Heaven, Hell, and Life After Death, and The Grid: Exploring the Hidden Infrastructure of Reality, Larry captivates readers with his groundbreaking insights and leaves them eager for more. For nearly 30 years, Larry has explored the supernatural, seamlessly merging it with cutting-edge science. One of his most revolutionary projects involves the intersection of quantum physics and human consciousness, using real-time EEG scans to push the boundaries of reality. As the founder of ARPAST, one of the top paranormal research organizations in the U.S., Larry is dedicated to challenging conventional science and investigating the unknown. Larry Flaxman’s expertise has made him a familiar face on popular TV shows like Ancient Aliens, Portals to Hell, Ghost Lab, and Haunted Hotels. He has shared his insights on radio programs like Coast to Coast AM and The Jeff Rense Show, and his work has been featured in magazines such as TAPS ParaMagazine and New Dawn Magazine. His deep knowledge and dynamic presence have made him one of the most sought-after voices in the paranormal community. Beyond his passion for the paranormal, Larry is also the founder of The Bridge of Compassion Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity focused on helping the homeless and those in need. The foundation provides essential support with compassion, dignity, and respect, improving the quality of life for society’s most vulnerable. Through his research and charitable efforts, Larry Flaxman continues to make a lasting impact both in the paranormal field and beyond.