



  • Time IS Speeding Up: Why Not Slow Down?

    Wow this year has flown by!  Can you believe that it’s almost 2017! Speaking of time flying – I’ve previously written about my own perception of life and how the timeline seems to be “speeding up” but to recap – over the past few years I’ve felt an increasing...

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  • Religion vs Spirituality: You Are Probably More Spiritual Than You Think!

    Are you a spiritual person? No, not a religious person… a SPIRITUAL person? Oh, sure, one could argue that all religious people are spiritual… however, that would not entirely be accurate. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of spiritual is: “sensitivity or attachment to religious values.” But is...

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  • Bridge of Compassion Foundation Fundraiser – THANK YOU!

    I would like to personally thank each and every person who supported our first fundraiser!!! I am so appreciative and humbled by the outpouring of encouragement and support that we have received regarding the launch of The Bridge of Compassion Foundation. Once you receive your limited edition shirt, we would LOVE...

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  • Bridge of Compassion Foundation Fundraiser!

    We are thrilled to announce the launch of our first fundraiser!!! Help spread awareness for The Bridge of Compassion Foundation and help us reach our goal by purchasing one of our Inaugural Limited Edition Custom Designed T-shirts and/or Hoodie. We have partnered with to provide a variety of...

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  • The Bridge of Compassion Foundation

    What is your passion? It’s a simple question, but, one that seemingly has so many potentialities. As many of you already know, my “day” job is in public service. In fact, I’ve dedicated more than 3/4 of my professional career time to serving others…. But yet, I’ve always struggled with the...

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  • The Big Question: What If I’m Wrong?

    For some reason I find that DRIVING… top down, music blaring… is the best form of relaxation for me. In fact, some of my best ideas seem to come to me (almost as if being channeled) when I’m “in the zone” and not concentrating on anything in particular. I quickly...

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Upcoming Events

all-day Enchanted! Metaphysics & Mystics... @ Conway Expo and Event Center
Enchanted! Metaphysics & Mystics... @ Conway Expo and Event Center
Mar 28 – Mar 30 all-day
Enchanted! Metaphysics & Mystics Market - Conway, AR @ Conway Expo and Event Center
Come out and join me at Enchanted! Metaphysics & Mystics Market in Conway, AR. Always a pleasure to have the opportunity to present and share my passion close to home.