Dragon Con!
Read moreI will be speaking at Dragon Con in Atlanta this weekend! If you have never been, you can’t miss this! It’s the world’s largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction & fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe! Come by and say hello!...
Dreams of Death and Change
Read moreHave you ever had a dream in which you died? I have… several times. While some people believe that it is “impossible” to survive after such a dream (due to cardiac shock, heart attack, or a variety of other nonsensical reasons), I’m living proof that it is certainly possible. While...
Paranormal Training
Read moreSeveral days ago I was watching a “famous” paranormal show on television, and noticed something interesting. The host was waving an AlphaLabs TriField meter around the room while saying, “look at the activity!” Those who have simply taken the time to read the manual (RTFM!) know how sensitive this...
EMF Meters – Vital Tool or Optional Gadget?
Read moreIf you have watched any of the latest paranormal TV shows du jour you have likely seen the use of an EMF meter during the investigation. Using the loudest, brightest, and “coolest” looking devices, the paranormal investigators sweep the room – pointing out the EMF spikes which, they claim,...
Paranormal Drama?! Just say NO!
Read moreIf I hear about one more instance of DRAMA or STRIFE in the paranormal community I think I am going to scream! How many of you have either a) been directly involved with or b) been cognizant of some type of dramatic event? I would venture to speculate that...
Has Time Sped Up?
Read moreFor the last few years I’ve noticed something interesting in my own life. I truly believe that this phenomenon is something that I’ve been inately aware of, but, for whatever reason have chosen to ignore it. Life seems to have sped up. Yes, you read that right. Sounds crazy,...
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